Monday, November 18, 2013

Still Going Strong

I'm here, still going. Still hitting my workouts hard and living my life the healthiest way possible. I still slip and fall but I have taken this last month and a half to adjust this lifestyle for me. Eating 100% clean was never in the cards for me and I knew that. I'm a foodie and I love something new and good, yummy and gooey. I tried so hard in the beginning to really be something I never could be. Some people can say, I am going to spend the rest of my life being clean, being organic. I can't. So I had to learn to balance and find what works for me. When I did that, when I found it, it clicked with me. I live my life 75% clean, truly organically clean. The rest of the 25% I've learned to "control." I eat the yummy bad for you stuff but I do so in moderation which was never in my vocabulary. And yes, there are times when I know I can cheat, I hoard my calories and make it dirty, so dirty it's sinful. But I know how to bounce back and know that tomorrow morning I will have to add more to my workout. I will have to drink more water to get the toxins out of my body. Do I suggest this? No. But it works for me. I can't live my life 100% clean and I won't sit here and say that I do. Clean is good delicious food that makes you feel great and does amazing things for your body but for me I also need the bad stuff every once in a while. I feel like it's so hard to explain but if you've ever done a program like this, you probably totally get it.

My workouts have increased and I have grown to love them. I can not tell you how good I feel. My body is changing every day. I am not at my goal weight, far from it, but I am in the best shape I have probably ever been in. I never thought in a million years that I would love waking up every morning, grabbing my weights and doing 100+ squats, working my arms, shoulders, abs and so on. I'm amazed at the strength I have gained and how good I feel. I have so much energy and living life feels good. Really good.

I have so much I want to write. So many posts I've been thinking of and I hope I can get them down before Thanksgiving. We are leaving for a 2 week vacation which honestly has me scared because I want to keep up all the work I've been putting in. And if I don't write again before Thanksgiving and you happen to be reading this, don't eat your weight on Turkey day. Be thankful and spend your day loving your family and loved ones.