I have done this blog thing a time or two before. I think I generally failed each time because those blogs did not truly reflect me. Anyway, this is it. This is the me that I want everyone to see and the me that I am still working on every single day. This blog will be very simple, I vow not to get fancy with it as I have no desire to go that far into the blogging world.
I'm a wife, we've been semi-happily married for 10 years. I say semi because those first few years were like learning to ride a bike. Torture and a lot of falls and fails. We got married young, had kids right away and never really had a marriage. We threw ourselves into life without a net and most of the time we crashed and burned. But some how we managed to learn and grow together and have grown into quite possibly the most stable and functional relationship that I know. I love my husband dearly, he truly is my best friend and I feel like after all we have been through we will be that old couple sitting on the front porch watching our grandchildren play while drinking sweet tea out of mason jars.
Together my husband and I have had three amazing children. Today we only have two as one gained his wings and left this Earth almost 7 years ago. We struggled greatly through our son's passing and it was a hard time for all of us. However, we are very thankful for the time we did have with him and that God blessed us to be his parents for the short time that he had here on Earth. We will see him again one day, this we know for sure. We've been blessed and that we know. We have a handsome son and beautiful daughter that fill us with love, laughter, craziness and joy. Just like marriage, parenting has it's ups and downs but you make it through the best you can and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
I'm a full time Mom and I also work full-time. I got back into the working world when my daughter started school. I realized sitting at home was boring and there are only so many times you can clean your house. I've recently been promoted so work has been crazy and most days I find it hard to keep my head above water but no matter what my family comes first and I'm thankful to work for a company that believes in that statement as well.
Some of this blog may be about family, about work or day to day things but mostly I am starting this blog as an outlet for a new adventure I have started. About a month ago I decided to make a huge change and began looking into ways to get healthy. My husband and I could be your typical American. Eat what you want, exercise little and gain weight quickly. I was never unhappy with myself because I am fabulous regardless ;) but the more and more I began looking into what I was feeding myself and what I was feeding my gamily, the more I was questioned what in the world was I doing?!?!? After much research and talking with others I decided to do the Beachbody Challenge. It has been quite the adventure but I love how I feel and I love how my body is changing and shaping in to ways I never imagined. I am doing things I never quite thought possible and it's only been a month!
So, what am I doing differently? Well first of all, exercise is a part of my daily routine. I work out daily, I try for more than once a day. I didn't join a gym because I know I will make 1000 excuses not to go. Luckily with beachbody, you pick your program. I chose the Les Mills Body Pump and I love it. Although, some days I could seriously reach though the screen and punch them in the throat - especially after doing squats! The biggest change has been our diet. We are now a clean eating family. I never thought of food as fuel for your body. It was always something I wanted or craved. Now I look at food in a whole new light. I give my body exactly what it needs to fuel it's self through out the day. Yes, cooking every single meal has been hard. Yes, buying everything fresh and organic has been a hit to the wallet but the benefits far outweigh both of those. Do I cheat? YES! And that's ok. I have one night a week designated to cheat. However, I now find my self making the healthier choices no matter where I am and that's a HUGE change. Am I perfect? No. Will I fail? Probably and I will have to pick myself back up. Do I want this? ABSOLUTELY! Is all of my family on board? NO! And you will read many times here in the future that it's a big struggle to decide to live your life one way and expect everyone to jump on board. I have faith that it will happen eventually!
I have many goals set for myself. Some personal, some not so. I will be sharing them here as well as yummy recipes and my success and failures. This blog is really to keep me accountable. This blog is for ME. I don't care how many readers I have. If I have a few that join me on this journey, GREAT! I hope I can inspire someone along the way.
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