I know I should be posting my month 2 weigh in and stats but I have yet to do that. Crazy is how I can explain my life these days. Thankfully though, even through the craziness I am staying on track. I've even started a new challenge and that is the Les Mills Combat. I'm not sure what I was thinking but I'm excited and ready to get away from the weights for a bit and try something new. I'll let you know how it goes or if it totally kicks my butt after today. It should be interesting to say the least!
We closed on our house yesterday which was a huge weight lifted off of me and stress that just went POOF the moment we finished signing our signature 1000 times. I'm so glad that is behind us. I feel like I have been bogged down by that. Mortgage companies seem to want your first born and a piece of your DNA these days. Thankfully, we don't have a move ahead of us as we have been living in the house for some time now and finally pulled the trigger on buying it. It's now officially ours and "Home."
I'm also in the midst of planning my daughter's Birthday party. Every year I swear I am not going to do it, I will not have a big party. I will just do something small and simple. Maybe go away on vacation, celebrate at the beach, do something just the four of us. Nope, I end up going crazy. I blame Pinterest. It is EVIL! I am now knee deep on tissue pom poms, burlap and lace, trying to throw the worlds most fabulous Tea Party. We shall see how this goes!
I am eager to share more recipes but I've been in a lull lately just doing the recipes that I know work and are good. Score for me though, I got the kids to eat clean lasagna rolls, I just had to omit the spinach from their portion. Out of sight, out of mind ;)
I'm ready to revamp my workout and hopefully I won't be too sore tomorrow. I can't wait to see what the new challenge holds. My Coach will be kicking it off in early July and I'm ready!! I of course always jump start and will start Combat today and throw in Body Pump still until the challenge officially kicks off. Wish me luck!
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